Present: Carolyn Sabroske, Carolyn Miller, Tom Olsson, Kristin Welter, Bonni Newton, Irene Boyd, Jean Friedrich, Sally Meixner
Absent: Denise Dornbier
President Carolyn Sabroske called the meeting to order.
Secretary’s report: Meeting minutes were sent via email to board members for review/approval following the last meeting and subsequently posted on the Unit website.
Treasurer’s report: Carolyn Miller presented a YTD Cash Flow Comparison, and financial reports for the Spring Festival.
Education report: Per Bonni, the classes are
8 week Beginning Bridge class taught by Craig Nelsen 4:00 on Thursdays starting June 2 no class July 7
8 week Play of Hand Class taught by Mark R. on Mondays starting June 6 No class July 4
The cost of both of these classes will be $4o. Students are asked to buy their own book.
Rich Newell will teach an Advanced Defense and Play of Hand Class starting Tuesday July 26 ongoing (no end date)
Changes to Bylaws: Proposed changes: Number of board members reduced to 7.
We will need new members for next year. Tom Olsson will stay on for 2 years. Kristin Welter and Sally Meixner will stay on for 1 year. Bonni Newton will stay on as Education Coordinator. We will need 4 additional members for next year.
Copier: Our copier needs repair and cleaning. Rico has handled maintenance in the past. Kristin will pursue copier options.
Stars of Tomorrow: This is currently scheduled for August 27 and 28 for non-life Masters. Bonni will check with Tuesday and Wednesday players to determine viability. Dates, events, and point ranges were discussed.
CornBelt Tournament: The current schedule is for September 8-11. We will probably go with the same no-food, Friday, Saturday single session Pairs only. (same as for the Spring Festival). To be further discussed.
Mentoring Games: Bonni and Greg will review Mentoring games for the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in June, July, and August. Mentors will be recruited based on number of Mentees who sign up.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is to be determined.
Prepared by Sally Meixner and Tom Olsson