Welcome to the website of the Monday Night Bridge Club Droitwich
We are a long-established and very friendly Club. We are always pleased to welcome Visitors.
We play Duplicate Bridge each week on a Monday evening (excluding Bank Holidays) from 6.30 p.m. for a 7.00 p.m. start until 10.00 p.m. We do not have a refreshment break during the evening so please bring your own drink if required.
We play at Rotary House, Corbett Avenue, Droitwich WR9 7BD. Rotary House does not have its own carpark but free parking is available after 6PM in the Lido carpark. For less mobile members, on-street parking restrictions in front of the hall do not apply after 6PM.
Table money per week: £1 for members --- £2 for guests
Members Annual subscription: £5.00
We do not operate a Host system but Members or Visitors without a Partner for a particular week may contact our Secretary, Cynthia Jones (telephone number 07857 928524), and she will do her best to try to find you a Partner.
Please note that we are not affiliated to the EBU, so we do not award Master Points.
If you would like to know more about the Club or need any further information, please contact our Secretary.